
EzRootElement provides the entry point for element querying. It is created with an instance of EzProcess


        public class EzRootElement : EzElement


Name Input Description
EzRoot(EzProcess process) EzProcess This is the only constructor for EzRootelement. Must have a resolved instance of EzProcess to pass into the constructor


Name Type Description
RootElement EzElement The root element of the application. All querying for elements must start at this point
Process EzProcess The backing EzProcess instance for the application under test


Name Return Type Description
ResizeWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height) void Resizes the window housing the application to the values passed in. X and Y are the starting coordinates of the window and width and height control the size

Samples and Usage

The EzRoot element finds the entry point for finding automation elements within an application


        //Simple method to launch Windows' built in calculator application
        const string calculatorPath = C:\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe";

        //Get an instance of EzProcess in order to create EzRoot.  Wrap it in a using statement to ensure that
        //.Dispose() is called
        using (EzProcess process = new EzProcess(calculatorPath, "Calculator"))

            //Get the root element of the application
            EzRoot root = new EzRoot(process);