
EzKeyboardFunctions is one of two hardware manipulation classes (the other being EzMouseFunctions) that will physically send keyboard input to the application under test
💡 Note

Using this class will physically control your keyboard. Be sure that you computer is in a state where you do not need to use it for anything else except automation


            public static class EzKeyboardFunctions


Name Return Type Description
PressKey(EzElement element, Key key) void Presses the keyboard key on the element passed in
SendText(EzElement element, string text) void Sends the string passed in as keyboard intput to the EzElement instance passed in
SendTextWithWait(EzElement element, string text, int? wait = null) void Sends the string passed in as keyboard intput to the EzElement instance passed in with a wait between each character in the string
RepeatKey(EzElement element, int repeatNumber, Key key) void Repeats a key press based on the repeatNumber int passed in
ShiftCombination(EzElement element, params Key[] keys) void Sends each key in the keys object to the element while pressing the Shift key
ShiftCombination(EzElement element, string keys) void Sends the keys string to the element while pressing the Shift key
CtrlCombination(EzElement element, params Key[] keys) void Sends each key in the keys object to the element while pressing the Ctrl key
CtrlCombination(EzElement element, string keys) void Sends the keys string to the element while pressing the Ctrl key
AltCombination(EzElement element, params Key[] keys) void Sends each key in the keys object to the element while pressing the Alt key
AltCombination(EzElement element, string keys) void Sends the keys string to the element while pressing the Alt key

Samples and Usage

The EzKeyboardFunctions class will physically send text to the application under test. You can either send a string to the application or you can send an individual key. An individual key is helpful if you need to send something like an arror key or the backspace button for example.


            //Simple method to launch Windows' built in notepad application
            const string notepadPath = C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe";

            //Get an instance of EzProcess in order to create EzRoot.  Wrap it in a using statement to ensure that
            //.Dispose() is called
            using (EzProcess process = new EzProcess(notepadPath, "Notepad"))

                //Get the root element of the application
                EzRoot root = new EzRoot(process);

                //Query the root element for the first child whose name is "Text Editor".  This is the main text area
                //of notepad
                EzElement textEditor = root.RootElement.FindChildByName("Text Editor");

                //Send text to notepad.exe.  Use the SendWithWait method which will simulate a gap inbetween letters
                //as ifsomeone is actually typing
                EzKeyboardFunctions.SendTextWithWait(textEditor, "This is a test of my new automation code.  "
                    + "This text will be written to the notepad instance that I have launched.");

                //Use the RepeatKey method to hit the Enter key two times
                EzKeyboardFunctions.RepeatKey(textEditor, 2, Key.Enter);

                //Use the SendText method to send some text with no wait.  It appears much more quickly
                EzKeyboardFunctions.SendText(textEditor, "This text is sent with no wait.  "
                    + "It will appear much more quickly");

This is the result of the above code being run: