
EzProcess represents the underlying process of the application under test. Generally used to create an instance of EzRoot


        public class EzProcess : IDisposable


Name Input Description
EzProcess(string processFullPath, string processName) string, string Creates a new instance of EzProcess based on the process path and the process name passed in


Name Type Description
Process Process Represents the underlying System.Diagnostics.Process behind this instance of EzProcess
ProcessId int The underlying processId of the application as it would appear in task manager, for example
ProcessPath string The path within the operating's folder structure to the exceutable that was launched to spawn this process
ProcessName string The name of the current process
Arguments string Arguments associated with the process that are passed to the executable on startup


Name Return Type Description
StartProcess() void Starts the process
TerminateExistingInstances() void Terminates all existing instances of the current process. Uses Process.Kill() method under the hood
Dispose() void Kills and disposes of the underlying process

Samples and Usage

The EzProcess class provides a way to start up the process that will be under test


        //Simple method to launch Windows' built in calculator application
        const string calculatorPath = C:\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe";

        //Get an instance of EzProcess in order to create EzRoot.  Wrap it in a using statement to ensure that
        //.Dispose() is called
        using (EzProcess process = new EzProcess(calculatorPath, "Calculator"))